About Franklin Street Bar and Grill
Franklin Street Bar and Grill was established in 2012 by Dana K. Dickert. Franklin Street Bar and Grill, also known as FSBG, specializes in comfort food with a gourmet twist.
We do have a daily menu, but we also work with an ever-evolving feature menu. With each visit to FSBG, expect to find something new on the menu... whether a new appetizer, sandwich, entree, breakfast, cocktail, or dessert! When I ask customers what dish they think of when they think of FSBG, the most common answer would have to be our Famous French Onion Soup, our Gourmet Charcuteries, or breakfast!
Over the last few years, Dana has also incorporated classes into FSBG. Topics have included Charcuterie, Christmas Cocktails, and Margaritas and Tacos! Classes are always a fun-filled night with family or friends for the guests! Typically the classes are held in the spring and fall... details are always posted at least 6 weeks in advance!
About the Owner

Dana K. Dickert is a Johnstown-area native. She grew up just outside of Johnstown in Vinco on her family's beef farm. Her father instilled his strong work-ethic and business sense in her from the time she was a small child! She is a proud alumni of Central Cambria.
After high school, she attended the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Secondary Education Biology and General Science. Although she chose to never formally teach and to pursue other careers, she still uses her teaching background daily when training her staff and also for fun when teaching classes such as the Charcuterie Classes!
After her undergraduate degree, she moved within the city of Johnstown and attended Conemaugh School of Nursing to become a Registered Nurse. She is a proud graduate and actually still actively practices as a RN casually in the emergency room setting.
During her college years and after, she worked at Surf 'n Turf Inn. In the 12 years of her employment there, the owner, Jim Loveridge, not only became her friend, but her mentor. He always joked that Dana owed him millions for the education he gave her. In reality, she learned the ins and outs of the restaurant business from him!
Dana has no formal culinary training but has been fortunate to have many talented cooks along the way to learn from! Her cooking style is definitely unique... she likes to try new recipes often and step out of her comfort zone! Some work and some don't, leading to an eclectic mix for a menu!
Dana currently resides in Richland with her fiance, Jordan, and their 3 children, Piper, 6, and twins, Lincoln and Lylah, 4, as well as their 2 dogs, Cora and Cruz.

Prior to becoming Franklin Street Bar and Grill, the building (751 Franklin Street) was home to Thee Jolly Fiddler. Thee Jolly Fiddler was owned by Howard and Sally Nelson from the mid-80s until 2012.
Prior to Thee Jolly Fiddler, the building was home to Raymond's Club Grill. We are unsure of when Raymond's opened, but have been told it never reopened after the 1977 flood.
There was an owner prior to the Nelson's who remodeled Raymond's after the flood into Thee Jolly Fiddler. Unfortunately we've only been told these stories a few times and names have been lost.
The building adjacent to Franklin Street Bar and Grill (755 Ftanklin Street) is currently used as storage for FSBG. We hope to someday in the near future remodel this building into a new kitchen and banquet hall. The Nelson's were famous for the pig roasts they hosted out of this building! We are unsure when, but at one time the two buildings were under separate ownership and 755 was a drive-thru beer distributor, known as Cooney Bros. Beer. We've been told it was Johnstown's first drive-thru beer distributor, but that's never been confirmed!
I love hearing the history of our buildings! I know what I do know from stories customers have told me... I welcome any stories you have or photos you would be willing to share to help to continue to preserve the history!

An old photo that was shared with us! If you look closely, you can see the signs... Raymond's Club Grill and Cooney Bros Beer. You can also see the house to the left that we tore down during our ownership.

The current look of Franklin Street Bar and Grill.
Some renovation pictures since 2012... to be continued...